Heme Iron Supplement + Prune Extract + Vitamin C B6 B12 Gentle on Stomach No Constipation Not Heaty

  • 267.000,00
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Heme Iron Supplement + Prune Extract + Vitamin C B6 B12 Gentle on Stomach No Constipation Not Heaty

Non-heaty, Non-constipating Iron Extracted from Natural Food Sources


Unlike other iron supplements, Heme Iron is the most natural and easily absorbed source of iron, as compared to non-heme sources, AFC Heme Iron is a synergistic iron formula comprising a high concentration of Heme Iron, Vitamin C and Vitamin Bs, fortified with Prune Extract. Together, these ingredients work synergistically to increase the absorption of iron by the body.

Heme iron vs Non-Heme iron

Heme iron has a higher absorption rate (15-25%) than non-Heme iron (2-4%). It has no known side effects while non-heme iron may cause nausea, constipation or heatiness.


• Energy production

• Healthy hair, skin and nail

• Support brain health – improve concentration and focus

• Boost immunity

Direction of Use:

Daily Dose: 2-3 capsules.

General Wellness: Take 1 capsule, two times daily, preferably on empty stomach.

Therapeutic purpose: Take 1 capsule, three times daily, on empty stomach, if you feel tired generally and tested to have lower haemoglobin or haematocrits levels due to iron deficiency.



• Avoid drinking tea, coffee, soft drink, milk and wine 30min before or after taking AFC Heme Iron.

• The amount of iron absorbed decreases with increasing doses. It is recommended to take an iron supplement in divided dosages throughout the day for best effect.


1 pack contains 30 capsules
